PBT Ostendo

Industries we specialise in
- Manufacturing & Assembly
- Warehousing & Distribution
- Job Management
Area of expertise
- Wiise Implementation & Support
- Business Process Leadership
- Change Process Management
- Project Management
- Business Central Implementation & Support
- Software development
- Business systems integration
- Dashboard reporting
- Power BI
- AZ104
- MS900
- AZ900
- MS98-366
At PBT Ostendo we implement and support Wiise & Business Central ERP solutions. We specialise in Inventory, Distribution, Manufacturing, Jobbing & Service based businesses that need to improve business processes, reduce replication of data and improve business intelligence.
We provide clients with a diverse range of skills sets with a high level of focus on Project and Change Management. We provide an end to end service offering utilising our team of Project Managers, Business Implementation Consultants, Software Developers, and IT Engineers. Providing a wealth of knowledge, our team has implemented and supported ERP systems for over 23 years.
Take the software selection journey with us!